Page:Journal of Florida Secession Convention.djvu/61

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detriment of its citizens; and further, that the Governor being Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy under the Constitution of this State, having the power to order the Military forces thereof to any point to repel invasion, we conceive him fully authorized so to do, so long as this Convention shall see proper to permit that clause of the Constitution to remain unchanged.

All of which is respectfully submitted,


Which was received and placed upon the table.

On motion of Mr. McIntosh, the Convention went into Committee of the Whole for the consideration of an Ordinance upon Duties of Collectors—Mr. Pelot of Alachua in the Chair.

After some time being spent therein, the Committee rose and reported the Ordinance back to the Convention with amendments;

Which report was received, and the Ordinance adopted.

On motion of Mr. Sanderson, the Convention went into Committee of the Whole on an Ordinance—Mr. Lamar in the Chair.

After some time being spent therein, the Committee rose and reported in lieu of the Ordinance a substitute, and recommended its passage.

Mr. Love of Gadsden offered an amendment;

Which was read, and the substitute as amended was then adopted.

On motion, the Convention took a recess until 4 o'clock, P.M.


The Convention resumed its session.

Mr. Pelot of Alachua called up a resolution introduced yesterday, relating to Stay Laws, and asked leave to withdraw the same;

Which was granted, and the resolution withdrawn.

Mr. McIntosh called up an ordinance introduced this morning upon Revenue and Taxation;

Whereupon Mr. Hendricks asked leave to withdraw said ordinance;

Which was granted, and said ordinance was withdrawn.

Mr. Folsom of Hamilton called up an ordinance introduced yesterday for removing disabilities under the 5th Section of the 6th Article of the Constitution of the State of Florida.

Mr. McIntosh of Calhoun offered the following as a substitute: