Page:Journal of Florida Secession Convention.djvu/87

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Key West, in this State, which Court shall have and exercise admiality jurisdiction only; that the laws of the late United States applicable to and heretofore governing the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of Florida be and the same are hereby adopted for the control and government of said Court; that said Court shall be known as the Court of Admiralty for the Southern District of Florida, and that the limits of its jurisdiction shall be the same as were prescribed by an act of the late Federal Congress approved February 28th, 1847.

2d. Be it further ordained, That there shall be one Judge of said Court, with a salary of Twenty-Five Hundred Dollars per annum, who shall be appointed by the Governor of this State, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate thereof, who shall have power to appoint a Clerk of said Court, which said Clerk, before entering upon the duties of his office, shall enter into a bond, in the sum of Two Thousand Dollars, to be approved by the said Judge, conditioned for the faithful performance of his duties.

3d. Be it further ordained, That a Marshal of said Court shall be appointed in like manner as the Judge thereof, who, with the Clerk of said Court, shall receive the same fees and emoluments as were prescribed by an act of the late Federal Congress, approved February 26th, 1853. The said Marshal shall enter into a bond in the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars, conditioned for the faithful performance of his duties and the payment of all monies coming into his hands under the order of the Court, which bond shall be approved by the Judge thereof.

4th. Be it further ordained, That the said Judge shall reside at Key West; that the Court shall be always open for the transaction of admiralty business, and that appeals may be taken from the decrees thereof to the Supreme Court of this State in like manner as appeals from the Circuit Courts of this State are now prosecuted.

5th. Be it further ordained, That whenever the provisional or permanent government of a Southern Confederacy shall establish a Court of Admiralty and Foreign Jurisdiction for the Southern District of Florida, this ordinance shall cease to be of any force and effect.

The rules being waived, the ordinance was put upon its passage.

Mr. Pinckney of Monroe moved to strike out one per cent. on salvage;

Which was agreed to.

Mr. Stephens offered the following substitute:

Be it ordained, That the General Assembly of the State of Florida are hereby authorized to establish a Court of Admiralty