Page:Journal of botany, British and foreign, Volume 9 (1871).djvu/265

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pretty abundant. It gTows amongst low, thick oak underwood, and long rank grass, the place being a moist one, and near a small running stream which comes from the direction of the New Forest. There is a small cottage and garden near the edge of the wood, about 100 j'ards from the place where the Siy/rinchiiim is found to the northward, the prevailing wind being W.S.W." I have not been successful in obtaining any fur- ther information tlian that a specimen of the plant, alleged to have been collected in the locality, was sent to the editor of the ' Chronicle.' If it prove a native in Hants, it will be a very interesting addition to the flora of a remarkable district of England, which is rich in rarities, and contains the only British locality for another Irish species, the Simethis bicolor, Kunth. By the way, botanists rarely write the name of this species cor- rectly. Its old name (Dillenius's) was Berriiudiayia gramlnea fore minore cisrideo, and Linnaeus, as was frequently his practice, adopted the previous appellation as a specific name (Sp. Plant. 1353). A parallel case is Lythrmn HyssopifuHa, L, ; here, as in the Sisyrinchinm^ the trivial name is not ail adjective term, but a substantive, and the original name of the plant. — Henry Trimen.

��British Plants under Culture. — Few persons have any concep- tion of the ornamental capabilities of many of our indigenous plants. It is remarkable, however, how much can l)e done with them, if they are grown with a little care. At the Ilorticulturjil Society, July 19tl), Mr. Parker took the first prize for a group of hardy perennials grown in 13- inch pots. Several of the plants were natives, sucii as Armeria planla- ginea, Centranthus ruber, var. albiis, and Potentilla reptatis, flore pleno. Others, such as Veronica maritima and Betonica hirsMta, could probably be equalled in effectiveness by native species allied to them, such as Fe- ronica spicata and BetonJca officinalis. The plants were about 18 inches tlirough, and under 2 feet in height, clothed with foliage to the pots, and covered with flowers. Many exotics look far less attractive than these wild plants. It was curious to notice how cultivation had restrained and toned down coarseness of growth, and given that air of unweed-like refinement characteristic of all garden-grown plants. — W. Thiselton Dyer. [At the last show of the Royal Botanic Society, I was equally struck with the elegant and beautiful appearance of a tall-growing, white- flowered form of Campanula rotuncUfoIia grown in pots and in profuse blossom.— HiiNRY Trimen.]

��Surrey Casuals. — In April this year I found in a field of Clover and Grass, about a mde south of Gomshall, Surrey (between Guildford and Dorking), Fero)dca Iriphyllos, Gamelina saliva, and Alyssum calyriuuni. This Veronica has not, 1 think, been noticed before in Surrey ; only one specimen was found. All were, doubtless, introduced.— F. Eversiied.

��Galium tricorne, L. — I enclose a specimen of this species, which I gathered on the bank of the new road through the brickfields, behiryl St. Augustine's Church, Stoke Newington, at the beginning of this month, July, 1871. — Frederick J. Hanbury. [This c.uinot be regarded as other than a casual in this locality, although more than one plant was found ; it has not, however, been previously observed, or at all events recorded, in ]\Iiddlete\. — II. T.]

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