Page:Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal Vol 7, Part 2.djvu/451

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Ancient Inicriptioos.

Abth act fra)z.lation of No. 1. of Dr. A. Buawa’ Tamba-patras.

Glory. From BHATARKA, the best of rulers, magnanimous as the in, victorious, of good disposition, who obtained his power by the excellence of his intelligence, by gratifying and elevating his friends in spirit, and by pbtaining all men’s good opinion through donations and courtesy, wbe by his power maintained men in respect, and through the fidelity of his servants preserved his dominions in prosperity, and laid his enemies prostrate, sprung GUHA SRKA, who obtained absolution from sin by bowing submissively to his father’s feet, and who wu called GgNDKAxa. Rija, because of his consideration for other men, as shown by his regulation of prices, by his anxiety to protect his people and friends, and by his sacrificing high state interests to secure the safety of those who took refuge with him, who obtained popularity by giving to the peer more than they asked. None excelled him in the science of Gsadharba. Enriched by the jewels his enemies presented in tribute, ale voice pleasant as that of Cupid and the moon, lenient inthe exaction ef state dues, a teacher of morals, in all observances never failing, great and powerful, as manifested by the motions of his elephants, his wisdom and sound judgment are appreciated by men of social feelings. The son of GUHA SSNA. Sniniza SSNA, likewise absolved himself from sin by submission to his father, as if he had washed in the Ganges water. The warriors of the universe were astonished at his strength and skili, and by his power he secured the prosperity of his kingdom. Like his ancestors, he was a protector of learned and eminent persons, and a subduer of the evil-doers and corrupors of virtue. Iii him only did LLH5ss1 and SARASwArI (wealth and knowledge) unite. For he was alike a subduer of lakhs of enemies, and abounding with wealth, and the possessor of all acquired endowments, which sought refuge with him, like the thousands who prostrated themselves before him for their livelihood.

The son of SRIDHARA SnnA, SRI SILADITYA, worshipped likewise his father’s feet, and prospered. The four quarters of the world were adorned with his fame, won by merits, all delighting, all astonishing. H. gave courage and confidence to his army, by acquiring for it the lustre of a reputation founded on many victories. Though possessing an inteUect capable of understanding and arranging the good and bad science., and famed in the world for his intelligence, yet was he not fastidious; and though attentive to the wants of others, still always cheerful and eoo tented. He was an example of the Satya yoga rjas in his conduct, and enjoyed happines, without any sacrifice of virtue. His second name was KRAMDITYA, (perhaps VIKRAMDIT!A.) -