Page:Journals of Several Expeditions Made in Western Australia.djvu/204

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Proceeding N. ½ W. three-eighths of a mile, and descending to a valley that curved from west to east and round to Moorulup, and which I now only ascertained to be the curvature and continuation of the Kalgan, we crossed its bed in so many places dry, and with so little mark of the channel or banks of such a river as the Kalgan, that had I not been able to trace the connexion of this, with the parts above and below, I should not have been satisfied of its identity. From having seen a number of emus at this place, it may be designated Emu's bend or beach.

A mile further on, in a northerly direction, we came to the ravine and valley of good soil, mentioned on the 29th April in my last year's excursion. but found the latter of smaller extent than I then thought; however, from last night's bivouac to this valley, the ground is, on the whole, better than on either side; the elevations are considerable but little encumbered with trees; the rock mostly granite, and soil a gravelly loam. Keeping to the N.W. we arrived at the river, after walking about three-eighths of a mile further, and skirted it for a few hundred yards, where its channel was deep, wide, and filled with water, to a place where it became narrow and the water interrupted, affording a place for crossing, of which we availed ourselves, and changed our course outward for one in returning; and having advanced one mile one-eighth in a south-westerly direction, I obtained the following bearings from . K:

Western Peak of Mount Manypeak .... 152°

Mount Gardner .................... 168 50'

Eastern Height of Porrongurup Gorge.. 253 30

Toolbrunup ....................... 9 20

Emus bend or reach .................. 114