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for the right of place. This was afterwards altered to the effect that the weakest county of the first class should play the strongest of the second class, and so halved the chances of promotion for the second grade teams. In fact, this alteration rendered the process of promotion so slow that a meeting of the second-class counties was held with the object of considering whether more rapid means of promotion might not be put into force. This meeting, entrusted to Mr Ansell on behalf of Warwickshire the duty of presenting the alternative scheme formulated by the second-class counties to the Cricket Council. The result of the meeting called to consider the question at Lord's in December 1890 was that the County Cricket Council broke up on an amendment proposed by Mr A. J. Webbe of Middlesex, seconded by Mr W. H. C. Oates of Nottinghamshire. In the meantime Warwickshire cricket was advancing by leaps and bounds, and brilliant victories were gained over Yorkshire in 1889 and 1890.

In 1892 Warwickshire occupied the premier position in the tables of the second-class counties, and was bracketed with Derbyshire for the senior position in 1893. In 1894 Warwickshire, Derbyshire, Leicestershire, and Essex were officially recognised as first-class counties, and Warwickshire that year had a most remarkable start, gaining victories over Notts, Surrey, and Kent; and, singular to relate, the midland team had the unique distinction of being the only county to lower the colours of Surrey at the Oval, a result mainly brought about by the brilliant batting of W. G. Quaife and the bowling of Whitehead. With an increasing membership, ample funds, a vast population, and plenty of talent, Warwickshire possesses all the elements that go to make up a great cricketing county.

Having thus dealt with the history of the club, a few details in connection with the principal exponents of the game must be noted. The captain, Mr H. W. Bainbridge, the old Cantab., has played for Warwick since 1886, and has been of the greatest assistance,—an excellent leader of men and a sound batsman. The brothers H. G. and J. E. Hill, L. C. Docker of Smethwick, J. F. Byrne, A. C. S. Glover; A. A. Lilley, one of the best wicket-keepers of the day, who played in all the test matches v. Australia in 1896; the brothers Quaife, formerly of Sussex; E. J. Diver, J. Devey, A. Law, Pallett, Richards, Santall, Shilton, and Whitehead deserve notice.

The president of the club is Lord Willoughby de Broke; the honorary treasurer Mr F. Messiter; honorary secretary Mr W. Ansell; and the assistant secretary Mr R. V. Ryder.