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country's too far from Europe to risk it. They'll swallow us. As sure as guns is guns, if we let in coloured labour, they'll swallow us. They hate us. All the other colours hate the white. And they're only waiting till we haven't got the pull over them. They're only waiting. And then what about poor little Australia?"

"Heaven knows."

"There'll be the Labour Party, the Socialists, uniting with the workers of the world. They'll be the workers, if ever it comes to it. Those black and yellow people'll make 'em work—not half. It isn't one side only that can keep slaves. Why, the fools, the coloured races don't have any feeling for liberty. They only think you're a fool when you give it to them, and if they got a chance, they'd drive you out to work in gangs, and fairly laugh at you. All this world's-worker business is simply playing their game."

"Of course," said Somers. "What is Indian Nationalism but a strong bid for power—for tyranny. The Brahmins want their old absolute caste-power—the most absolute tyranny—back again, and the Mahommedans want their military tyranny. That's what they are lusting for—to wield the rod again. Slavery for millions. Japan the same. And China, in part, the same. The niggers the same. The real sense of liberty only goes with white blood. And the ideal of democratic liberty is an exploded ideal. You've got to have wisdom and authority somewhere, and you can't get it out of any further democracy."

"There!" said Jack. "That's what I mean. We s'll be wiped out, wiped out. And we know it. Look here, as man to man, you and me here: if you were an Australian, wouldn't you do something if you could do something?"

"I would."

"Whether you got shot or whether you didn't! We went to France to get ourselves shot, for something that didn't touch us very close either. Then why shouldn't we run a bit of risk for what does touch us very close. Why, you know, with things as they are, I don't want Victoria and me to have any children. I'd a jolly sight rather not—and I'll watch it too."

"Same with me," yelled Somers.