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clear and sea-bitter as one of the worn shells he had brought.

"The faithful, fearless love of man for man," whispered Kangaroo, as he lay with his dark eyes on Richard's face, and the wisp of hair on his forehead. Beautiful, he was beautiful again, like a transfiguration.

"We've got to save the People, we've got to do it. And when shall we begin, friend, when shall we begin, you and I?" he repeated in a sudden full voice. "Only when we dare to lead them, Lovat," he added in a murmur. "The love of man for wife and children, the love of man for man, so that each would lay down his life for the other, then the love of man for beauty, for truth, for the Right. Isn't that so? Destroy no love. Only open the field for further love."

He lay still for some moments after this speech, that ended in a whisper almost. Then he looked with a wonderful smile at Somers, without saying a word, only smiling from his eyes, strangely, wonderfully. But Richard was scared.

"Isn't that all honest injun, Lovat? " he whispered playfully.

"I believe it is," said Richard, though with unchanging face. His eyes, however, were perplexed and tormented.

"Of course you do. Of course you do," said Kangaroo softly. "But you are the most obstinate little devil and child that ever opposed a wise man like me. For example, don't you love me in your heart of hearts, only you daren't admit it? I know you do. I know you do. But admit it, man, admit it, and the world will be a bigger place to you. You are afraid of love."

Richard was more and more tormented in himself.

"In a way, I love you, Kangaroo," he said. "Our souls are alike somewhere. But it is true I don't want to love you."

And he looked in distress at the other man.

Kangaroo gave a real little laugh.

"Was ever woman so coy and hard to please!" he said, in a warm, soft voice. "Why don't you want to love me, you stiff-necked and uncircumcised Philistine? Don't you want to love Harriet, for example?"

"No, I don't want to love anybody. Truly. It simply