Page:Karl Kautsky - Frederick Engels - 1899.djvu/25

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those lands where there could be no question of a class struggle of the laboring class, as in Russia.

But this new unpolitical socialism could no longer be peaceable. The class struggle had become too well known among the laboring class. For the "Propaganda of the Deed" of individuals through colonies and associations this new unpolitical socialism substituted the "Propaganda of the Deed" of individuals through conspiracy and force. The man who applied the old unpolitical socialism of Proudhon in this manner to the existing industrial conflict, and so created modern anarchism, was Bakunin.

His influence in the "International" rose ever higher, and it was necessary to oppose him if the work on which Marx and Engels had spent a lifetime were not to be undone, and the socialism of a political nature, before which all the older parties trembled, were not to sink into a secret, loosely connected sect which could be put down by the police as easily as a gang of thieves. Thus arose the great conflict between Marx and Bakunin which led to the splitting of the "International" and finally to its end.

In all these conflicts Engels, as member of the general council of the "International" (in 1871 corresponding secretary for Belgium and Spain, and later for Italy and Spain), took a prominent part. With this reference we must content ourselves. A detailed account of the activity of Engels in the "International" would not only overreach the limits of the present sketch, but would also presuppose a study of the protocols and correspondence of the general council, which have not yet been made public. With the ending of the "International" the practical immediate activity of Engels, as well as of Marx, with the party ceased. But their work lost through this nothing of its significance for the scientific as well as the political development.

Discord and persecution had well-nigh killed the "International" when its end was precipitated. The fundamental cause for this lay in the fact that it had outlived itself, in the sense that its object was reached; the labor movement was in full action in all places, and the international solidarity of the whole laboring class was so firmly established that the formal bond of an association, created especially for this object, had become clearly a fetter. In Germany the Social Democracy gained one decisive victory after another, and could already begin to think of having an influence on legislation. Where things had progressed thus far, party activity