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turned and said: "I think it might be effective if you began to roar when you reached the foot of the stairs and entered the parlor on all fours."

Edward put the sabers aside with the intention of giving them a final polishing later, had a look at himself in the mirror, not to admire himself but to see if there was any oil and emery on his face, and went slowly down to the parlor.

"You nice boy!" exclaimed Mrs. Ludlow. "You must come and sit down right beside me and hear all about yourself."

Edward did as he was told.

"I am just back from Paris," said Mrs. Ludlow. "I even did myself the honor of calling on you at your studio——"

Edward could not help changing color. Good Lord, what was the woman going to say next!

"But of course you were gone. Your tenants were very nice and friendly. They let me come in and look at all the paintings. The girl was really very sweet and pretty—and the mother must have been pretty before her mustache became so pronounced. But have you heard?"

No, Edward hadn't.

"Not that two of your pictures have been hung on the line and that all Paris is talking?"

No, Edward had not heard that. But it was wonderful news. He was no longer bored and