Page:King Alfred's West-Saxon Version of Gregory's Pastoral Care (2).djvu/450

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Hatton MS.]

LVIII. Dætte on oðre wisan sint to monianne ða ðe nanwuht godes ne ónginnað; ón oðre wisan ða ðe hit onginnað, & wel ne geendiað.

On oðre wisan sint to manienne ða ðe nan god ne ónginnað; on oðre ða ðe hit onginnað, & nó ne geendiað. Ða ðonne ðe nan god ne ónginnað, ne sint hi nó to lærenne hwæt hi don scylen, ær him si belagen ðæt hi ðonne doð; forðæmðe hi nyllað underfon ðæt uncuðe ðæt hi gehirað, buton hi ær ongieten hu frecenlic ðæt is ðæt hi cunnon; forðæm nan mon ne bitt oðerne ðæt he hine rære, gif he self nat ðæt he afeallen bis; ne eac se, se his wunde sár ne gefret, ne wilnað he nanes læces. Forðy him is ærest to cyðanne hu idel ðæt bið ðæt hi lufiað & hu unnytt, & siððan him is to reccanne hu nyttwyrðe ðæt is ðæt [hi] forlæten habbað. Ærest hi sculon óngietan ðæt hi fleon ðæt ðæt hi lufiað. Ðonne magon hi sið ieðelice ongietan ðæt ðæt is to lufianne ðæt hi ær flugon. Micle ðy bet hi underfoð ðæt uncuðe, gif hi on ðæm cuðan gewislice óngietað hwæt ðæron tælwyrðes bið. Ðonne hi leorniað mid fulre estfulnesse ða soðan gód to secanne, ðonne hi mid fulle gesceade ongietað ðæt ðæt wæs leas & idelnes ðæt hi ær heoldon. Ac gehiren hi ðæt ðas andwearda[n] gód bioð from ælcre lustfulnesse swiðe hrædlice gewitende, & swaðeah sio scyld ðe hi ðurh ða lustfullnesse ðurhtioð ungewitendlice bið ðurhwuniende mid wræce; & nu ðæt ðæt hie lyst hi sculon nede[n]ga forlætan, & ðeah ðæt hi nú nedenga forlætað him bið eft to wite gehealden. Oft ðeah weordað men swiðe halwendlice afærde mid ðæm ilcan ðingum ðe hi ær unnytlice lufedon: ðonne ðæt geslægene mod gesihð swa healicne dem his agnes hryres, & ongit hine selfne ón swelcre frecennesse & ón swelcne spild forlæd, ðonne wiðtremð he, & ónhupað, & ondræt him ðæt ðæt he ær lufode. Leornað ðonne to lufianne ðæt he ær forhogde. Be ðæm was gecweden to Ieremie ðæm witgan, ða he was onsended to læranne, hit was gecweden: Ic hæbbe ðe nu todæg gesetne ofer rice & ofer ðioda ðæt ðu hi toluce & toweorpe & forspilde & tostence & getimbre & geplantige. Forðæm, buton he ðæt woh ær towurpe ne meahte he noht nytwyrðlice ðæt ryht getimbran; forðæm, buton he [of] his hieremonna mode ða