Page:Lag's elegy, or, The prince of darkness (1).pdf/19

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None forwarder among them all,
Than noble Grierson of Lag-hall,
Whose worthy actions make him fit
In the great chair now to ſit,
'Bove Korab and his company,
For all his friendſhip done to me.
This honour he doth well deserve,
For he unweariedly did ſerve
Me, to the utmoſt eʌery way,
To keep my kingdom from decay.
I muſt remember Biſhop Sharp,
For the good ſervice I did get
Of him when he was here away.
He did the Scottiſh Kirk betray,
And all its privileges ſold,
For pleasure here, and love of gold.
He fill'd the land with perjury,
And all ſorts of iniquity;
And did the force of Scotland lead
To persecute the woman's ſeed,
Judas, who did his Maſter fell,
And afterwards went down to hell,
Had no more mischief in his mind,
Than Sharp, this noble friend of mine,
A paction paſt 'twixt him and me,
That I from ſkaith ſhould keep him free;
I gave him Sorcery 'gainſt lead,
That ſhooting ſhould not be his dead:
And yet this did him not ſecure.
He loſt his life on Magus muir.
There ſome ſtout-hearted men in Fife,
With ſwords of ſteel did take his life;
And very justly did him kill,
'Cause he their brethren's blood did ſpill.