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Death-Bed of Alexander the Great

Vainly to the stern immortals
    Sacrifice and vow were sent*.
Cold and pitiless are they!
Silent in their starry dwelling,
    Nothing do they heed
Of the tale that earth is telling,
    In her hour of need!
They have turned their face away,
Ye silver-shielded warriors,
Ye warriors of the world!

In that royal tent is weeping;
    Women's tears will flow;
There the queens their watch are keeping†
    With a separate woe.
One still wears her diadem—
One her long fair hair is rending,
    From its pearls unbound‡;
Tears from those soft eyes descending,
    Eyes that seek the ground.
But Roxana looks on them,
The silver-shielded warriors,
The warriors of the world!

In the east the day was reddening,
    When the warriors pass'd;
In the west the night was deadening,
    As they looked their last;
As they looked their last on him—
He, their comrade—their commander—
    He, the earth's adored—
He, the godlike Alexander!
    Who can wield his sword?
As they went their eyes were dim,
The silver-shielded warriors,
The warriors of the world!