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With piety the brows are raised, and the lids open: a soft lustre diffuses itself over the sclerotica, and an almost holy radiance over the cornea; the motions of the eye are free and in a curve directed upwards; the look is pleasing, open, and contemplative. Faith seems ever seeking the deep blue of heaven, and in calmness looks towards the horizon, and the eye seems seeking some object beyond the boundaries of earth. The fanatic seems also seeking some unseen and distant object; but, the look is generally sad and fixed. The theologian's eye is bright and clear, moves firmly, calmly, and harmoniously; the look is contemplative and agreeable; if his views are of the alarmist character, and not regarding God as love, the look, is unsteady, fluctuating, and even piercing and unpleasing, the eye often sad, and moves clandestinely and surreptitiously.