Page:Last Cruise of the Spitfire.djvu/201

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"I would like to see what takes place," I rejoined.

"So would I," put in Phil. "Captain Hannock is no friend of mine."

"Captain Flagg has assigned us three a place where we may see all that happens," returned the lawyer. "Come with me."

We followed him on deck. Close to the wheel was a small covered place used for storing odds and ends of various kinds. It contained a window so that one might see, and the door was covered with a wire netting, through which we might hear all that occurred.

It was this place that we entered, closing the door tightly behind us. No sooner were we inside than I heard the voice from the jolly-boat sing out:

"Yacht ahoy!"

"Hello, there! Who are you? " was the answer returned.

"Survivors of the schooner Spitfire," said a voice which I recognized as that belonging to Lowell. "Will you take us aboard?"

"Yes. Lay to under our bow."

The yacht stopped moving, and a moment later the jolly-boat came alongside, and Captain Hannock, Lowell, Crocker, and the sailors stepped aboard.

"Who are you?" asked Captain Flagg of Captain