Page:Last and great sermon, of the Rev Dr William Dodd.pdf/16

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planned, required expence disproportionate to (illegible text) income, expense brought distress upon me, and distress, importance distress, urged (illegible text) fraud.

For this fraud I am to die; and I die declaring in the most solemn manner, that however I have deviated from my own precepts, I have taught others, to the best of my knowledge, and with all sincerity, the true way to eternal happiness. My life, for these few unhappy years past, has been dreadfully erroneous, but my ministry has been always sincere. I have constantly believed, and now leave the world, solemmnly avowing my conviction, that there is no other name under heaven by which we can be saved, than only the name of the Lord Jesus, and I entreat all who are here to join with me in my last petition, that, for the sake of the Lord Jesus Christ my sins may be forgiven, and my soul received into his everlasting kingdom.



N.B. It is hoped and expected that all ranks of men in whose hands this Awful Sermon may come into, will take care, and steer by the fatal Rock, on which this great man has light upon; for through all England, there was not a more popular Clergyman in his day, and one who has left many valuable books of his own writings for the good of succeeding generations. Witness Dodd upon Death.