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is declined and agrees with the word it modifies in gender, number, and case.

204. The perfect passive participle is declined like bonus, bona, bonum, and in the compound tenses (§ 202) it agrees as a predicate adjective with the subject of the verb.

Examples in

Vir laudātus est, the man was praised, or has been praised

Puella laudāta est, the girl was praised, or has been praised

Cōnsilium laudātum est, the plan was praised, or has been praised

Examples in

Virī laudātī sunt, the men were praised, or have been praised
Puellae laudātae sunt, the girls were praised, or have been praised

Cōnsilia laudāta sunt, the plans were praised, or have been praised
1. Inflect the perfect, pluperfect, and future perfect indicative passive of amō, moneō, regō, capiō, and audiō (§§ 488-492).

205. The perfect passive infinitive is formed by adding esse, the present infinitive of sum, to the perfect passive participle; as, am´t-us (-a, -um) esse, to have been loved; mo´nit-us (-a, -um) esse, to have been advised.

1. Form the perfect passive infinitive of regō, capiō, audiō, and give the English meanings.

206. The future active infinitive is formed by adding esse, the present infinitive of sum, to the future active participle. This participle is made by adding -ūrus, -a, -um to the base of the participial stem. Thus the future active infinitive of amō is amat-ū´rus (-a, -um) esse, to be about to love.

a. Note that in forming the three tenses of the active infinitive we use all three conjugation stems:
Present, amāre (present stem), to love
Perfect, amāvisse (perfect stem), to have loved
Future, amātūrus esse (participial stem), to be about to love
1. Give the three tenses of the active infinitive of laudō, moneō, regō, capiō, audiō, with the English meanings.