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309. Rule. Ablative with Comparatives. The comparative degree, if quam is omitted, is followed by the separative ablative.



First learn the special vocabulary, p. 296.


  1. Nēmō mīlitēs alacriōrēs Rōmānīs vīdit.
  2. Statim imperātor iussit nūntiōs quam celerrimōs litterās Rōmam portāre.
  3. Multa flūmina sunt lēniōra Rhēno.
  4. Apud Rōmānōs quis erat clārior Caesare?
  5. Nihil pulchrius urbe Rōmā vīdī.
  6. Subitō multitūdō audācissima magnō clāmōre proelium ācrius commīsit.
  7. Num est equus tuus tardus? Nōn vērō tardus, sed celerior aquilā.
  8. Ubi Rōmae fui, nēmō erat mihi amīcior Sextō.
  9. Quaedam mulierēs cibum mīlitibus dare cupivērunt.
  10. Rēx vetuit cīvīs ex urbe noctū discēdere.
  11. Ille puer est gracilior hāc muliere.
  12. Explōrātor duās (two) viās, alteram facilem, alteram difficiliōrem, dēmōnstrāvit.


  1. What city have you seen more beautiful than Rome?
  2. The Gauls were not more eager than the Germans.
  3. The eagle is not slower than the horse.
  4. The spirited woman did not fear to make the journey by night.
  5. The mind of the multitude was quite gentle and friendly.
  6. But the king's mind was very different.
  7. The king was not like (similar to) his noble father.
  8. These hills are lower than the huge mountains of our territory.