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322. Case Forms as Adverbs. As we learned above, the neuter accusative of comparatives is used adverbially. So in the positive or superlative some adjectives, instead of following the usual formation, use the accusative or the ablative singular neuter adverbially; as,


facilis, easy
facile (acc.), easily

prīmus, first
prīmum (acc.), first
prīmō (abl.), at first


multus, many
multum (acc.), much
multō (abl.), by much

plūrimus, most
plūrimum (acc.), most

323. Learn the following irregular comparisons:

bene, well melius, better optimē, best
diū, long (time) diūtius, longer diūtissimē, longest
magnopere, greatly magis, more maximē, most
parum, little minus, less minimē, least
prope, nearly, near propius, nearer proximē, nearest
saepe, often saepius, oftener saepissimē, oftenest

324. Form adverbs from the following adjectives, using the regular rules, and compare them: laetus, superbus, molestus, amīcus, ācer, brevis, gravis, recēns.

325. Rule. Adverbs. Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs.



First learn the special vocabulary, p. 297.


  1. Nūlla rēs melius gesta est quam proelium illud[1] ubi Marius multō minōre exercitū multō maiōrēs cōpiās Germānōrum in fugam dedit.
  2. Audācter in Rōmānōrum cohortīs hostēs impetūs fēcērunt # Marius autem omnēs hōs fortissimē sustinuit.
  3. Barbarī nihilō fortiōrēs erant quam Rōmānī.
  4. Prīmō barbarī esse superiōrēs vidēbantur, tum Rōmānī ācrius contendērunt.
  5. Dēnique, ubi iam diūtissimē paene aequō proeliō pugnātum est, barbarī fugam petiērunt.
  6. Quaedam Germānōrum gentēs, simul atque rūmōrem illīus calamitātis audīvērunt, sēsē in ultimīs regiōnibus fīnium suōrum abdidērunt.
  1. ille standing after its noun means that well-known, that famous.