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365. A substantive clause is a clause used like a noun, as,

That the men are afraid is clear enough (clause as subject)

He ordered them to call on him (clause as object)

We have already had many instances of infinitive clauses used in this way (cf. § 213), and have noted the similarity between Latin and English usage in this respect. But the Latin often uses the subjunctive in substantive clauses, and this marks an important difference between the two languages.

366. Rule. Substantive Clauses of Purpose. A substantive clause of purpose with the subjunctive is used as the object of verbs of commanding, urging, asking, persuading, or advising, where in English we should usually have the infinitive.



The general ordered the soldiers to run

Imperātor mīlitibus imperāvit ut currerent


He urged them to resist bravely

Hortātus est ut fortiter resisterent


He asked them to give the children food

Petīvit ut līberīs cibum darent


He will persuade us not to set out

Nōbīs persuādēbit nē proficīscāmur


He advises us to remain at home

Monet ut domī maneāmus

a. The object clauses following these verbs all express the purpose or will of the principal subject that something be done or not done. (Cf. § 348.)

367. The following verbs are used with object clauses of purpose. Learn the list and the principal parts of the new ones.

hortor, urge

imperō, order (with the dative of the person ordered and a subjunctive clause of the thing ordered done)

moneō, advise

petō, quaerō, rogō, ask, seek

persuādeō, persuade (with the same construction as imperō)

postulō, demand, require

suādeō, advise (cf. persuādeō)

N.B. Remember that iubeō, order, takes the infinitive as in English. (Cf. § 213.1.) Compare the sentences

Iubeō eum venīre, I order him to come

Imperō eī ut veniat, I give orders to him that he is to come