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  1. Mīlitēs fossam decem pedum per eōrum fīnīs perdūxērunt.
  2. Prīnceps Helvētiōrum, vir summae audāciae, prīncipibus gentium fīnitimārum sorōrēs in mātrimōnium dedit.
  3. Eōrum amīcitiam cōnfīrmāre voluit quō facilius Rōmānīs bellum īnferret.
  4. Germanī et Gallī nōn erant eiusdem gentis.
  5. Omnēs ferē Germānī erant magnīs corporum vīribus.[1]
  6. Gallī qui oppidum fortiter dēfendēbant saxa ingentis magnitūdinis dē mūrō iaciēbant.
  7. Cum Caesar ab explōrātōribus quaereret quī illud oppidum incolerent, explōrātōrēs respondērunt eōs esse homines summā virtūte et magnō cōnsiliō.
  8. Moenia vīgintī pedum ā sinistrā parte, et ā dextrā parte flūmen magnae altitūdinis oppidum dēfendēbant.
  9. Cum Caesar in Galliam pervēnisset, erat rūmor Helvētiīs in animō esse iter per prōvinciam Rōmānam facere.
  10. Caesar, ut eōs ab fīnibus Rōmānis prohibēret, mūnītiōnem [2]multa mīlia passuum longam fēcit.


  1. Cæsar was a general of much wisdom and great boldness, and very skillful in the art of war.
  2. The Germans were of great size, and thought that the Romans had no power.
  3. Men of the highest courage were left in the camp as (for) a guard to the baggage.
  4. The king’s daughter, who was given in marriage to the chief of a neighboring state, was a woman of very beautiful appearance.
  5. The soldiers will construct a ditch of nine feet around the camp.
  6. A river of great width was between us and the enemy.


  1. From vīs. (Cf. § 468.)
  2. Genitives and ablatives of description are adjective phrases. When we use an adverbial phrase to tell how long or how high or how deep anything is, we must use the accusative of extent. (Cf. § 336.) For example, in the sentence above multa mīlia passuum is an adverbial phrase (accusative of extent) modifying longam. If we should omit longam and say a fortification of many miles, the genitive of description (an adjective phrase) modifying mūnītiōnem would be used, as mūnītiōnem multōrum mīlium passuum.