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incendium, incendī, n. flame, fire. Cf. ignis flamma
in-cendō, -ere, -dī, -cēnsus, set fire to, burn
in-cidō, -ere, -cidī, — [in, in, on, + cadō, fall], fall in, fall on: happen. in furōrem incidere, go mad
in-cipiō, -ere, -cēpī, -ceptus [in, on, + capiō, take], begin
in-cognitus, -a, -um, adj. [in-, not, + cognitus, known] unknown
in-colō, -ere, -uī, — [in, in, + colō, dwell], inhabit; live
incolumis, -e, adj. sound, safe, uninjured, unharmed
in-crēdibilis, -ē, adj. [in-, not, + crēdibilis, to be believed], incredible
inde, from that place, thence
induō, -ere, -uī, -ūtus, put on
indūtus, -a, -um, adj. [part of induō, put on], clothed
in-eō, -īre, -iī, -itus [in, into, + , go], go into; enter upon, begin, with acc. (§413)
īn-fāns, -fantis, adj. [in-, not, + * fāns, speaking], not speaking. As a noun, m. and f. infant
īn-fēlīx, -īcis, adj. [in-, not, + fēlīx, happy], unhappy, unlucky
īnfēnsus, -a, -um, adj. hostile
īn'-ferō, īnfer're, in'tulī, inlā'tus [in, against, + ferō, bear], bring against or upon, inflict, with acc. and dat (§501.15). bellum īnferre, with dat., make war upon
īnfenis, -a, -um, adj. low, below (§312)
īn-finītus, -a, -um, adj. [in-, not, + finītus, bounded], boundless, endless
īn-firmus, -a, -um, adj. [in-, not, + firmus, strong], weak, infirm


ingenium, inge'nī, n. talent, ability
ingēns, -entis, adj. vast, huge, enormous, large. Cf. magnus
in-gredior, -gredī, -gressua sum [in, in, + gradior, walk], advance, enter
inimīcus, -a, -um, adj. [in-, not, + amīcus, friendly], hostile. As a noun, inimīcus, -ī, m. enemy, foe. Cf. hostis
initium, ini'tī, entrance, beginning
initus, -a, -um, part of ineō. initā aestāte, at the beginning of summer
iniūria, -ae, f. [in, against, + iūs, law], injustice, wrong, injury, alicui iniūriās īnferre, inflict wrongs upon some one
inopia, -ae, f. [inops, needy], want, need, lack
in-opīnāns, -antis, adj. [in-, not, + opīnāns, thinking], not expecting, taken by surprise
inquit, said he, said she. Regularly inserted in a direct quotation
in-rigō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus, irrigate, water
in-rumpō, -ere, -rūpī, -ruptus [in, into, + rumpō, break], burst in, break in
in-ruō, -ere, -ruī, —— [in, in, + ruō, rush], rush in
īn-sequor, -sequī, -secūtus sum, dep. verb [in, on, + sequor, follow], follow on, pursue
īn-signe, -is, n. badge, decoration (§465.b)
īnsignis, -e, adj. remarkable, noted
īnstāns, -antis, adj. [part, of īnsto, be at hand], present, immediate
īn-stō, -āre, -stitī, -statūrus [in, upon, + stō, stand], stand upon; be at hand; pursue, press on
īnstrūnentum, -ī, n. instrument
īn-etruō, -ere, -strūxī, -strūctus [in, on, + struō, build], draw up