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EXPLORATIONS IN BIBLE LANDS DURING THE N I N E T E E, N T H CENTURY THE FIRST COMPLETE ACCOUNT OF THE RECENT EXCAVATIONS AT NIPPUR By PROF. H. V. HILPRECHT, Ph.D., D.D., LL.D. Scientific Director of the Babylonian Expedition of the University of Pennsylvania EXCAVATIONS IN THE TEMPLE COURT AT NIPPUR THE author, in the preparation of this volume, has had the co-operation of well- knovirn, leading scholars of German Uni- versities with a vievr of presenting the vast material authoritatively, and yet in a popular form, to meet the great demand for a reliable work on the subject on the part of Bible scholars as well as students of ancient history. CONTENTS "THE RESURRECTION OF ASSYRIA AND BABYLONIA" By Prof. H. V. Hilprecht University of Pennsylvania "PALESTINE" By Lie. Dr. Benzlnger Formerly of the University of Berlin "EGYPT" By Prof. Dr. Steindorff University of Leipzig "ARABIA" . . . . By Prof. Dr. Hommel University of Munich "HITTITES" . By Prof. Dr. Jensen University of Marburg The volume contains four specially prepared maps and nearly 200 carefi(lly selected illustrations, exhibiting the work and method of the different expeditions in the trenches, the ruined and restored temples and palaces, and the rich archaeological material brought to light in the ancient Biblical world during the past Century, special attention being given to such antiquities as have a bearing upon the Old Testament. " Explorations in Bible Lands " in one large volume (octavo) consist of nearly 900 pages, 300 of which are devoted to the first accurate account of the history and epoch-making results of 'Pie Babylonian Expedition of tiie University of Pennsylvania By Its Scientific Director, PROF. HILPRECHT HERE for the first time is presented a thorough treatment of all the many important discov- eries made at NIPPUR In connection with the excavations of the great Temple of Bel, and its storied-tower ; the Temple Library, with its educa- tional and literary quarters; the walls and gates of the city, palaces, business houses, etc., etc. Published In one large volume at $3.00 net IF TRANSPORTATION IS TO BE PREPAID, ADD 40 CENTS MAKE CHECKS, DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS PAYABLE TO THE BABYLONIAN SECTION, UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. PHILADELPHIA. PA.