Page:Le Morte d'Arthur - Volume 1.djvu/436

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EVERYMAN'S LIBRARY CLASSIFIED LIST of 920 VOLS. in 13 SECTIONS In each section of this list the volumes are arranged, as a general rule, alphabetically under the authors' names. Where authors appear in more than one section, a reference is given, viz. : (See also FICTION). The number at the end of each item is the number of the volume in the series. Volumes temporarily out of print are marked J Volumes obtainable in Leather are marked L BIOGRAPHY Audubon the Naturalist, Life and Adventures of. By R. Buchanan. 601 Baxter (Richard), Autobiography of. Edited by Rev. J. M. Lloyd Thomas, 868 Beaconsfield (Lord), Life of. By J. A. Froude. 666 Berlioz (Hector), Life of. Translated by Katherine F. Boult. 602 Blackwell (Dr. Elizabeth) : Pioneer Work for Women. With an Introduc- tion by Mrs. Fawcett. 667 L BoswelTs Life of Johnson. 2 vols. 1-2 (See aZso TRAVEL) t> Browning (Robert), Life of. By E. Dowden. 701 Buxton (Sir Thomas Fowell), Memoirs of. Edited by Charles Buxton. Introduction by Lord Buxton. 773 Carey (William), Life of: Shoemaker and Missionary. 395 Carlyle's Letters and Speeches of Cromwell. 3 vols. 266-8 Reminiscences. 875 (See also ESSAYS and HISTORY) L Cellini's (Benvenuto) Autobiography. 51 Cibber's (Colley) An Apology for his Life. 668 Constable (John), Memoirs of. By C. R. Leslie, R.A. 563 Cowper (William), Selected Letters of. Intro, by W. Hadley, M.A. 774 (See also POETRY AND DRAMA) De Quincey's Reminiscences of the Lake Poets. Intro, by E. Rhys. 163 (See also ESSAYS) De Retz (Cardinal): Memoirs. By Himself. 2 vols. 735-6 Evelyn's Diary. 2 vols. Introduction by G. W. E. Russell. 220-1 Forster's Life of Dickens. Intro, by G. K. Chesterton. 2 vols. 781-2 (See also FICTION) Fox (George), Journal of. Text revised by Norman Penney, F.S.A. Introduction by Rufus M. Jones, LL.D. 754 Franklin's (Benjamin) Autobiography. 316 Froude's Life of Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield. 666 L Gaskell's (Mrs.) Life of Charlotte Bronte. Intro, by May Sinclair. 318 Gibbon (Edward), Autobiography of. Intro, by Oliphant Snieatoa. 511 (See also HISTORY) Gladstone, Life of. By G. W. E. Russell ('Onlooker'). 661 Hastings (Warren), Life of. By Capt. L. J. Trotter. 452 Helps' (Sir Arthur) Life of Columbus. 332 Hodson, of Hodson's Horse. By Capt. L. J. Trotter. 401 Holmes' Life of Mozart. Introduction by Ernest Newman. 564 Houghton's Life and Letters of Keats. Introduction by Robert Lynd. 801 Hutchinson (Col.), Memoirs of. Intro. Monograph by F. P. G. Guizot. 317 Irving's Life of Mahomet. Introduction by Professor E. V. Arnold. 513 Johnson's Lives of the Poets. Intro, by Mrs. Archer-Hind, M.A. 770-1 Lamb (Charles), Letters of. 2 vols. 342-3 (See also ESSAYS and FOR YOUNG PEOPLE) Lewes' Life of Goethe. Introduction by Havelock Ellis. 239 Lincoln (Abraham), Life of. By Henry Bryan Binns. 783 (See also ORATORY) Lcckhart's Life of Robert Burns. Introduction by E. Rhys. 153 L .-, Life of Napoleon. 3 Life of Sir Walter Scott (abridged). 55 Mazzini, Life of. By Bolton King, M.A. 562 Newcastle (First Duke of), Life of, and other writings by the Duchess of Newcastle. 722