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12 SELECTED LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF Miscellaneous continued AN INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF GREEK VASE PAINT- ING. By MAY A. B. HERFORD, M.A. Illustrated. {In the Press. A CATALOGUE OF GREEK VASES PRESERVED IN MAN- CHESTER. By MAY A. B. HERFORD, M.A. Illustrated. [In Preparation. THE BOOK OF RUTH (Unpointed Text), gd. net. Second edition. THE BOOK OF AMOS (Unpointed Text). 6d. net. THE BOOK OF JUDGES (Unpointed Text), is. net. THE SECOND BOOK OF KINGS. Cap. i5-Cap. 17. (Unpointed Text.) 4d. net. SELECTIONS FROM THE OLD ENGLISH BEDE. By Professor W. J. SEDGEFIELD. 33. 6d. net. A SKELETON OUTLINE OF OLD ENGLISH ACCIDENCE. Re- printedjrom the above, is. 3d. net. SHELL SHOCK AND ITS LESSONS. By Professor G. ELLIOT SMITH and T. H. PEAR, B. Sc. 35. 6d. net. Second Edition. PLANTS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE. An Abstract of a Course of Lectures to Allotment Holders. By Professor F. E. WEISS, D.Sc., Dr A. D. IMMS, and W. ROBINSON, M. Sc. is. 6d. net. A POCKET SYNOPSIS OF THE FAMILIES OF BRITISH FLOWER- ING PLANTS : Based upon the System of Engler. By W. B. GROVE, M.A. is. net. MANCHESTER IN 1915. Edited by H. M. MCKECHNIE. Fifteen Illustrations. Paper, is. net ; cloth, with the Plates mounted, 25. fid. net. MANCHESTER BABIES' HOSPITAL, MEDICAL REGISTRAR'S MONTHLY REPORTS. August, 1915, to July, 1916. Paper covers, is. net. MATERIALS FOR THE STUDY OF HEBREW COMPOSITION. Adapted and arranged by Professor M. A. CANNEY, M.A. is. net. JOURNAL OF THE MANCHESTER ORIENTAL SOCIETY, 1911. Illustrated. 53. net. JOURNAL OF THE MANCHESTER EGYPTIAN AND ORIENTAL SOCIETY. Published annually, beginning with the year 1912-13. 55. net. SHIPS AS EVIDENCE OF THE MIGRATIONS OF EARLY CUL- TURE. By Professor G. ELLIOT SMITH, is. net, THE EFFECT OF WAR UPON ART AND LITERATURE. By LAWRENCE HAWARD, M.A. 3d. net. SOUND AND SYMBOL. An Outline of a Scheme of Instruction, Introductory to School Courses in Modern Languages, Shorthand, etc. By Professor J. J. FINDLAY, M.A., with W. H. BRUFORD, M.A. is. net. EDUCATIONAL REFORM. An Address by the Right Hon. H. A. L. FISHER, M.P. ad. net. THE STORY OF THE FLOOD. By Professor G. ELLIOT SMITH. [In Preparation.