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So long!

1.To conclude—I announce what comes after me,
The thought must be promulged, that all I know at
any time suffices for that time only—not
subsequent time;
I announce greater offspring, orators, days, and then

2.I remember I said to myself at the winter-close, before
my leaves sprang at all, that I would become a
candid and unloosed summer-poet,
I said I would raise my voice jocund and strong, with
reference to consummations.

3.When America does what was promised,
When each part is peopled with free people,
When there is no city on earth to lead my city, the
city of young men, the Mannahatta city—But
when the Mannahatta leads all the cities of the
When there are plentiful athletic bards, inland and
When through These States walk a hundred millions
of superb persons,
When the rest part away for superb persons, and contribute
to them,
