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of Tsarism the iron hoop which now binds together diverse and hostile Nationalist elements, will break." (This last quotation is now quoted by Kautsky himself from his article written in 1904.) … "The Russian Revolution … has given a mighty impetus to the Nationalist aspirations of the East, and has added Asiatic problems to those of Europe. All these problems renedered more acute by the present war, loudly clamour for solution and exert a

tremendous influence over the masses, including the proletarian masses, whilst the ruling classes are chiefly possessed of Imperialist aspirations." (Page 273; the italics are ours.)

Here we have another instance of the prostitution of Marxism! Because of the fact that "democratic Russia" would kindle a desire in the nations of Eastern Europe to strive after freedom (which fact is indisputable), therefore, the present war, which frees no nation, but, whatever its outcome, will enslave many, is not a "purely" imperialist struggle. Because the "collapse of Tsarism" would mean the downfall of Austria, due to its undemocratic national structure, therefore counter-revolutionary Tsarism (which has temporarily gathered strength, is plundering Austria and has in store still greater oppression for the peoples of Austria) has taken away from the "present war " its purely imperialist character, and has given it, to a certain extent, a national one. Because the ruling classes deceive dull witted men of the lower middle class and down-trodden peasants by means of tales concerning nationalist aims of the imperialist war, therefore a man of science, an authority on "Marxism," a representative of the Second International, has the right to reconcile the masses with this deception by means of the "formula" that the ruling classes are possessed of imperialist aspirations while the "common people" and the proletarian masses are possessed of "nationalist" ones.

Here we see dialectics turned into sophistry of the meanest and basest kind!

The national element in the present war is represented only by the struggle of Serbia against Austria, a fact which was noted, by the way, in the resolution of our party's conference at Berne. Only is Serbia and amongst the Serbs have we a national liberation movement of many years standing, and one which embraces millions of the masses. The war between Serbia and Austria is a "continuation " of this movement. Had this been an isolated phase of the war, having no connection with the general European war, i.e., with the covetous and plundering aims of England, Russia, etc.,