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Saturday, 21st.

The Loodiana newswriter in his native idiom gave such an interesting account of Noor Mahal’s funeral. Two of his wives burnt: themselves with him; one was fifteen, the other thirteen. He said they were covered with jewels, and, as they walked together round the pyre, they looked like two young peris; then he described, their lying down together and the lighting of the pile. There was a dense cloud of smoke, and, when that dispersed, in a few ashes alone were seen the remains of the young prince and the two beautiful fairies. All the other women happily were excused.

Wednesday, 25th.

anny and I went yesterday to visit the Begum of Moorshedabad, that young Nawab’s mother. She is quite a young woman must have been pretty. Mrs. —— went with us to interpret. She is a very pretty little thing, and interpreted much better than anyone who ever went with us before. We gave some diamond rings and got some in exchange. The Begum held a large court of female attendants, and seemed passionately fond of her little son, who