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will not be very great. Still I opine that, if it had not been for that little accident of. Noah. and the Ark, which gave men false notions of trusting themselves on the water, it never was | intended that they should try so mad an experiment.


Our work of packing is progressing, but not, so fast as it ought, considering that the ‘ Walmer Castle, which left England only ten days before Lord Ellenborough, is actually in and up at Calcutta. He must not come before his ten days are fairly over, for the 'Hungerford' cannot be ready before the 1st of March.

Captain —— and I have been to the upholsterer’s this morning to hurry on the furniture and to choose a secrétaire for George’s cabin, bookcases, &c. I had never been into any of — these shops before, and had no idea of their magnificence. People send a great deal of furniture home as presents ; it is so well carved, and then the climate prevents veneering; so everything is of solid mahogany. I believe Mr. —— is also of solid mahogany; he looks like it, and it seems impossible to hurry him.