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day, and Mahomed Ukbar does not seem to have any great number of followers to bring against Jellalabad. General —— and Captain —— and everybody there write with great bravery and confidence, and say their soldiers are in good spirits.

Calcutta, 20th.

No further news, except that a letter from one of the ladies has been received, and they and their children are hitherto kindly treated, which is a great relief; and there are hopes of buying back the little girl. It looks, too, as if there were great dissensions among the Afghans themselves, and Shah Shoojah still either has some power or they allow it to him out of policy. General —— and Colonel —— are mentioned as the only prisoners except the married men who were carried off with their. wives. What a situation for the first and second in command of a large army, of which they only survive! People are becoming rabid. to hear their story; they must have some excuse that has never transpired.

George is looking shockingly, but not ill. All this worry has, however, made a difference