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Popular sovereignty, 45-8, 64, 112

Poverty line, 162

Progress, nature of, 137

Property, rights of, 94-5, 100, 168, 186, 188

Proportional representation, 114, 243

Referendum, 245-6

Religious liberty, 29-31

Revolutionary Declarations, 60-2

Rome, ancient, 13-14

Second Chamber, the, 242-8

Socialism, 165, 167-72, 191, 211, 215, 219

Social liberty, 31-3, 140

Speculation, 195

Super-tax, 199-201

Temperance, 180, 226

Trade unions, 38, 84, 161, 220, 223

Unemployed, 160

Utilitarianism, 57, 65-77, 107

Wage,” “living, 159, 163-4, 177, 205-8

Wealth, social basis of, 187-91, 194

Women, rights of, 33, 39, 86, 112, 114, 179

Work, right to, 159