Page:Life and journals of Kah-ke-wa-quo-na-by.djvu/270

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about the Christian Indians. My brothers took this opportunity to preach Christ unto them, and to endeavour to do away their prejudices against the Christian religion. In the afternoon we left Belldoon, and went up the Bear Creek, and slept on the bank of the creek for the night.

Thursday, 6th. — Started early this morning on our journey; took breakfast at Brother Lindsey's, where we left our canoe, and pursued our route by land on foot. At sun-down we arrived at the Moravian town, where we stopped. Arrived at the Muncey town about noon on the 7th, where we took some refreshment. We learned that most of the Chippeways had gone down the river, and on to Amherstburgh for their presents from Government, and that before they left this place many of them had attended meetings, and were anxious to be instructed, and that the school was very large, and the children very anxious to learn to read, &c. This was good news to us, indeed, and we thanked the Lord our God for the intimation of good among this people.

Tuesday, August 11th. — About noon the Muncey Chiefs and Otahmekoo collected together for worship. Brother Half-moon, a Muncey, exhorted for some time in a feeling and powerful manner. Many wept while he was speaking. Bro. Westbrook, a Muncey Chief, closed the present exercises by prayer, after which all shook hands in friendship: appointed another meeting on next Thursday noon.

Thursday 13th. — Near noon the Munceys began to collect to the number of about twenty. I endeavoured to expound to them the Decalogue, and explained to them the particular circumstances that occurred when the law was given to Moses.

Sunday 16th. — About noon the Munceys assembled at the school house. There were about two dozen present, to whom I endeavoured to expound the first 16 verses of the 5th Chap.