Page:Life and journals of Kah-ke-wa-quo-na-by.djvu/409

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Sunday 13th. — Spent the day in reading, writing, and in conversing on religious subjects. Felt rather unwell. In the evening had a prayer meeting among ourselves, and the Lord softened our hearts. Blessed be his holy name! I was glad to see the value our party set upon the Lord's day. They diligently provided fuel on the Saturday evening, and made every preparation for keeping holy the Sabbath. Finished our stock of biscuit and pork this day.

Monday 14th. — Made an early start, the wind still southerly. In the afternoon landed on a point of rock, and gathered bunches of pennyroyal. In the evening, before we had time to pitch our tent we were completely drenched with the rain. Took No. 6, and slept quite comfortable for the night. As we were now opposite Penetanguishene. we hope this is the last night for this season of our taking the bare rock for our bed, which we have now done for three weeks.

Tuesday 15th. — Started very early this morning and arrived at Coldwater about noon. After landing we put the cooking articles, &c., in Chief John Jones' house. He informed me that he had lately been down to Toronto, and there saw one of the Credit Indians, who informed him that the white people who arrived from England brought word that my dearest wife and Catherine Sunegoo had both died in England, but that they had received no letters to that effect, only a report in circulation. This sad news went through me like a dagger, and I began to imagine a thousand things. I said within myself. If this be true, what shall I do? Is it possible that my best beloved, my only earthly comfort is no more! Took an account of the articles belonging to our outfit, and left them in care of Brother Miller, as the property of the Missionary Society. Lodged with Brother M., but slept very little on account of the deep anxiety of my mind. It is with great pleasure and thankfulness I record that during our voyage no unpleas-