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"Then how came It Into the dog's mouth?"

"I don't know, sir I buried it deep."

"With or without the bottle?"

The boy hesitated a moment to frame his excuse, then answered—

"Without the bottle."

"Why did you do so? How do you dare to disobey my orders?"

"Because," said the collected youth—"because we are not allowed by the Korahan to bury human flesh in a box or bottle."

"Pigi fur Saitan, you orang chilaea! Go to the devil, you rascal!" And the boy disappeared amidst such a burst of laughter as was never heard before within the walls of the hospital.

This discovery was soon spread through the town, to the amusement and relief of all who heard it. Thus ended a seven-days' wonder, caused by the negligence or covetousness of a Javanese youth, and the voracity of a dog—which, for the