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roof for the accommodation of visitors. It is built quite al fresco, its passages and the main portions of the building being entirely exposed to all the changes of the weather.

There are four entrances to this singular ruin, but as the one now in use is on the opposite side, we had to walk round to the western gate. Mount- ing a flight of steps, we reached the first terrace, which we found to be about twenty feet broad, and from four hundred and twenty-six to thirty feet square. We could now examine the figures under the arches more closely, and if as an author who had many opportunities of forming a correct judgment of pagan deities observes " Buddha is invariably represented with curled negro hair and long cars," there need be no doubt as to whether Jainists, Brahmins, or Buddhists bviilt this temple; for, with a head perfectly answer- in (t to this description, the deity sits on every wall, and in almost every niche. The date of erection

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