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turn into lotus flowers as they approach their in- tended victim.

The next four terraces are narrower than the two first, with relievos only on one side of the wall. The niches also are fewer and farther between. The last four, as I have before observed, are cir- cular, and very broad ; each having three rows of bell-shaped cages, hewn out of trachyte, in which is a figure of Buddha, in the same sitting posture as on the walls. These cages are from four to five feet in diameter at the base, and stand about three feet apart.

On ascending the last flight of steps w^e walked to the tower, and after gaining the summit, had an extensive and beautiful view of the surrounding country. A more lovely panorama of mountains, valleys, streams, and tropical verdure, is not to be found in any other part of Java. The tower can be entered by a door at the foot of the steps, where, half buried by an accumulation of sand and clay,

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