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ordered the poor girl to be taken out in a boat into the open sea, and there left alone, to drift into some friendly harbour or perish. For two days the frail l)ark floated at the mercy of the wind and waves, but on the third day it was espied by the ca])- tain of a vessel, on board of which was a European king. The captain turned his ship's head imme- diately in the direction of the little boat, which he soon reached ; and every one on board was asto- nished to find in it only a young girl, who, the boat having neither sail, oar, nor rudder, was drift- ing lielj)less on the waters. The Euro]>ean king, notwithstanding the objection of some of the crew, who said this must be an onoxj ai/u, or mermaid, bad the boat iiauled alongside, its inmate taki-n on board, and kindly treated. On arriving in Euroj)*; the monarch jilaced the ^//ri>, or virgin, under the rare of a Icarn(Ml man, who soon healed the diseas(> under which slie hail been labonring. When she was restored to perfect health he married ber to his

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