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of Bandong, famed for the stag hunts which take place there during the dry seasons of the year, after the paddy has been gathered in. On these occasions, the Regent and his sons are accompanied by a Large retinue of huntsmen and Europeans, who take part in the exciting sport. An incident occurred some time ao;o, during; one of these cjather- ings, which sliows the strong feeling of veneration with \\hicli the natives regard all who are above them in rank. A young chief, son of the Regent, was following close upon a deer, when a huntsman, in the act of ])lunging his kriss into the animal, accidentally inflicted a slight wound in the leg of the young man. As the only alternative left, in order to expiate what in the eyes of the natives is regarded as a dreadful crime, the huntsman im- mediatelv withdrew and committed suicide; thus averting, as they believe, the vengeance of Allah from the heads of his family and relatives.

As we passed the shed under whi(.'h our Kees- VOL. II. f5

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