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names and titles are, Susubunan of Soerakarta, Pakoc Bowono, Senopati, Ingalatro, Ngabdoer, Rachman, Ponotogomo.

Ilis wife (lied a few years ago, leaving liini no male heir, and, contrary to Javanese habits, he has never remarried, or kept a seraglio. The natives themselves say of him, in allusion to the purity of of his life, " Diya punia ati puteli soongguh soongguh sakali." " Ilis heart is perfectly white."

He passes the day in a house adjoining his palace, and at night never sleej^s under a mosquito curtain, but occupies a sofa, which is never two niglits consecutively stationed in the same position, oi' in the same room. Not unfrecpiently, when it is dri/./.Hng with rain, he insists on sleeping on a mat out of doors. Thcs(! eccentricities are attributed to two reasons: the first maintaincMl hy the Dutch, who ascrih(; them to a dread of treachcrv from liis own pe(jple; and the second by the .Javanese, who

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