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had been soothed by the prayers of a hadji, that men were able to convey it to the back of the Government warehouse, where we saw it lying on the ground, bound by strong ship's cables, in order to restrain its roving propensities. Two other cannon, placed to the right and left of the entrance to this court, and known as Kemborawo and Kumborawy, were cast and made in the island.

Our ascent of the watch-tower was very easy, the openings in the walls admitting plenty of light to guide us up the spiral staircase which led to the cupola. From this elevation a pretty good view of the country beyond Soerakarta is obtained. To the cast stands the lofty Lawoe, said by the Javanese "to be seen everywhere." Opposite are the Marapi and Murbaboo, and beyond the latter the Sundoro, in the fertile province of Magelang.

On some of the towers and turrets in the Kraton wave the royal flag—red with a white