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Life of Isaiah V. Williamson

ing, lectures and entertainments given from time to time, and commencements celebrated.

The tablet to Isaiah Williamson's memory, and the spot where he is buried in the entrance corridor, would be pointed out, as well as his portrait, his gold watch, and other souvenirs of his life's history.

This Administration building was completed in October, 1891, and for convenience and usability has well stood the test of all the subsequent years. Soon after the purchase of the land, in 1889, Mr. Wanamaker, Chairman of the Building Committee, requested several Philadelphia architects to submit plans, all to be equally compensated whether their work was accepted or not. Of that group, the architects eventually chosen were Furness, Evans & Company. Their final plans for the Administration building, the shops, and two or three of the cottages were largely based on suggestions and drawings offered by Mr. Baird, then President of the Board of Trustees, as the result not only of his long practical experience but of special investigation by Mr. Longstreth and himself of other schools at the time. Carrying out the