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Life of Isaiah V. Williamson

trouble? And was it not done without anyone knowing from whom the person in trouble received help? About the only hatred this true, good Quaker had was "publicity." For that matter, everybody said this much of him, but sadly enough the city people did not stop at that, and though he was persistently criticized, the man does not live who ever heard Isaiah Williamson speak ill of anyone.

Did they not all know that city life and money had not spoiled him, though he had gone off early from the Bucks County farm, where he had his first start and entered the village store, and from that ladder, as others have done, climbed up to the city business? In his later days, he became a farmer again—a money farmer; he ploughed for it, planted for it, kept close personal touch on his financial fields of growing crops and from the wise planting and steady watch, reaped great harvests; yet he did not build his life upon it or let the money twist his life into personal aggrandizement, politics or speculation. He never cornered the stock market; he never helped to lock up money, as his vast wealth would have enabled him to do; he never