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Life of Isaiah V. Williamson

little more than a crust, making one suit last the usual time of two, and his spirit soaring higher and higher as he toiled and saved to make and distribute his gains for humanity, that they might breathe good cheer and strength and happiness upon others unfavored by fortune.

What a lifetime it was, that period from 1850 to 1865! With hungry mind, he analyzed the energies of money. He selecting the altars upon which to lay it. He was constantly subjected to the criticisms, stabs and scorn of fellow citizens and misinformed newspaper writers, who regarded him as "the threadbare philanthropist." Maligned by those whose appeals for aid for their charities or enterprises were unsuccessful, who wished to deprive him of his liberty to determine where to place his money, he steadily went on, meek and silent, all the time carrying on his little shoulders the hospitals, homes and schools with which he had loaded himself up for future aid.

As his friend of many years, the late Henry C. Townsend, said in 1891, in his address at the opening of the Williamson Free