Page:Linda Hazzard - Fasting for the cure of disease.djvu/243

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healthy secretions for all purposes peculiar to these parts. Judicious general exercise and normal nutrition will maintain the sustaining ligaments in strength, and the generative system cannot fail functionally or structurally if normally used.

The dress of woman is responsible for some of her sex weaknesses, and, without entering into details, it is well to call attention to the garment to which is attributed so much of female woe. The corset has no right nor title in the wardrobe of a healthy, normal woman. Her own bones and muscles shape her form as intended by nature, and any woman, not distorted in framework, may attain perfection of figure by muscular freedom and proper exercise. The restriction of a healthy muscle causes it partially to lose its functioning ability, and habitual restraint and unnatural pressure brought to bear upon the muscles of the trunk result in local congestion and in displacement of special organs. Lungs, liver, and intestines, together with the organs of reproduction, suffer from the constrictive effects of the corset, and lack of nourishment, due to restricted circulation thus produced, causes atrophy of muscular tissue, since the latter is not adequately re-