Page:Linda Hazzard - Fasting for the cure of disease.djvu/388

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PROSTATE. A glandular body situated around the neck of the bladder in the male.

PROTEID. An albuminoid constituent of an organism.

PROTEIN. The sulphur-free residue of a proteid after the action of caustic potash.

PROTOPLASM. Primitive organic cell-matter; germinal matter.

PSORIASIS. A chronic inflammatory skin-disease with scale formation.

PSYCHO-THERAPY. The treatment of disease by mental influence.

PUBERTY. The age of capability of reproduction.

PULSATION. A beating or throbbing sensation.

PULSE. The beat or shock felt in any artery when slight pressure is made on it, caused by the contraction of the heart.

PURGATIVE. A substance causing watery evacuations from the bowels; a cathartic.

Pus. A thick yellow fluid, the product of suppuration.

PUTREFY. To cause to rot or decay with an offensive odor.

PYLORUS. The opening of the stomach into the duodenum.

PYORRHEA. A discharge of pus, usually associated with the sockets of the teeth.


QUASI. Almost; something which resembles. QUOTA. A proportional share or part.