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O'er the gory field of war,
Where Vengeance drives his crimſon car,
Thou'lt maybe fa' frae me aſar,
And nane to cloſe thy e'e, laddie.

O reſume thy wonted ſmile,
O ſuppreſs thy fear, laſſie:
Gloricus honour crowns the toil
That the ſoldier ſhares, laſſie:

Heav'n will ſhield thy faithfu' lover,
Till the vengeful ſtrife is over,
Then we'll meet, nae mair to (illegible text)
Till the day we die, laſſie :

Miſt our bonny woods and braes,
We'll ſpend our peaceful happy days,
As blyth's yon lightſome lamb, that plays
On Loudon's flow y lea, laſſie.


I canna like you, gentle Sir,
Altho a laird you be;
I like a bonny Scottish lad,
Wha brought me frae Dundee.
Had awa' wi'Jamie,
Had awa' wi Jamie.
Had awa' wi Jamie (illegible text)the lea:
(illegible text) wi'right guid-will,
He's a'the warld to me.