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Lippincott’s Magazine

PROGRESSIVE ITH this number of Lippincott's a new era in the

history of the magazine begins.

Our readers will

recognize a change in the type-page, and a variation in

the cover design. They will moreover find that, while the best traditions of the magazine are preserved, the table of contents shows a certain progressive spirit. The Editorial Offices have been moved to New York, with the distinct

advantage of being in the center of American literary activities, and it is our purpose to turn this to the benefit of our readers.


$ S.


Q There will be a definite policy to continue Lippincott's as a vigorous exponent of the best in fiction and current thought, a monthly magazine reflecting the tastes of well bred, healthy-minded Americans. For nearly half a century Lippincott's has maintained a position of dignity among magazines of the better class, and there will be no sacrifice of this dignity in the years to come. Q. The work of many famous writers has appeared in Lippincott's. Such works as Amelie Rives's “The Quick or the Dead?,” Rudyard Kipling’s “The Light That Failed,” James Lane Allen's “The Choir Invisible,” Dr. S. Weir Mitchell's “New Samaria”—stories that in book


has seen the United States during the most remarkable period of its history, and looked upon the advent of most

of the great scientific wonders of the age. The first editor was not annoyed by telephone calls from contributors, for that indispensable instrument was not invented for several years after he took his seat. He had many years



form now occupy honorable places in many a well-selected library—were first published in this magazine. © Established in 1868, the career of Lippincott's was begun in the years immediately succeeding the Civil War. It


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to wait before he went from his home to his office in an

electric car, and it was long before the incandescent lamp gleamed above his desk in the late winter afternoons.


those days his fiction held no such characters as chauffeurs, aviators, wireless operators, turkey-trotters and cabaret dancers. The typewriter was yet to be perfected, and manuscripts were written by hand. Q. If life to-day is more complex, it is better systematized, fuller of variety and consequent interest. Lippincott's has advanced with the times. With the present number it quickens its pace. Q. Criticism, whether adverse or favorable, is helpful, and readers of the new Lippincott's will confer a favor on the Editor by writing him their views of the magazine.