Page:Literary Lapses - Leacock - 1919.djvu/208

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Literary Lapses

murmured to myself, but I humoured him and said:

"How do we go, Billy, in a motor-car or by train?"

"No, we paddle."

"And is it up-stream all the way?"

"Oh, yes," Billy said enthusiastically.

"And how many days do we paddle all day to get up?"


"Couldn't we do it in less?"

"Yes," Billy answered, feeling that I was entering into the spirit of the thing, "if we start each morning just before daylight and paddle hard till moonlight, we could do it in five days and a half."

"Glorious! and are there portages?"

"Lots of them."

"And at each of these do I carry two hundred pounds of stuff up a hill on my back?"


"And will there be a guide, a genuine, dirty-looking Indian guide?"


"And can I sleep next to him?"

"Oh, yes, if you want to."

"And when we get to the top, what is there?"