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not the cunning enemy of the human race rejoice at my ruin, but, driven away by thy help, let him bewail his lot. May thy perpetual intercession so obtain for me the grace of Christ, that I may keep my soul and my body unspotted, humble and gentle, and strengthened by the noble gifts of faith, hope, and charity; I may so obey all Christ's commands, that when my last day shall come, I may deserve to be admitted into the number of thy clients among the blessed spirits in heaven, if thou intercede for me, who art the sweet Queen of heaven and earth, and grace comes from thy Son, who, with the coeternal Father and Holy Spirit, lives and reigns one God Almighty for endless ages. Amen.


O Blessed Peter, head and chief of the Apostles, thou art the guardian of the keys of the heavenly kingdom, and against thee the powers of hell do not prevail; thou art the rock of the Church and the shepherd of Christ's flock; thou art great in power, wonderful in thy heavenly bliss; thou hast the right of binding and loosing in heaven and on earth. The sea