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Art. 164. The Sanitary, Maritime, and Quarantine Board of Egypt shall undertake the task of bringing the provisions of the present convention into conformity with the regulations at present enforced by it in regard to the plague, cholera, and yellow fever, as well as with the regulations relative to arrivals from the Arabian ports of the Red Sea during the pilgrim season.

To the same end it shall, if necessary, revise the general regulations of the sanitary, maritime, and quarantine police at present in force.

These regulations, in order to become effective, must be accepted by the various Powers represented on the Board.

II. The Superior Board of Health of Constantinople

Art. 165. The Superior Board of Health of Constantinople shall decide on the measures to be adopted in order to prevent the introduction of epidemic diseases into the Ottoman Empire and their transmission to foreign countries.

Art. 166. The number of Ottoman delegates to the Superior Board of Health who shall take part in the voting of the Board is fixed at four members, namely:

The President of the Board or, in his absence, the person presiding over the meeting. They shall not take part in the voting except in case of a tie.

The Inspector General of the Sanitary Services.

The Service Inspector.

The Delegate acting as intermediary between the Board and the Sublime Port, called Mouhassebedgi.

Art. 167. The appointment of the Inspector General, of the Service Inspector, and of the aforementioned Delegate, who are designated by the Board, shall be ratified by the Ottoman Government.

Art. 168. The High Contracting Parties recognize the right of Roumania, as a maritime power, to be represented on the Board by one delegate.

Art. 169. The delegates of the various nations shall be physicians holding regular diplomas from a European faculty of medicine and citizens or subjects of the country which they represent, or consular officers of the grade of vice-consul at least or an equivalent grade.

The delegates shall have no connection of any kind with the local authorities or with a maritime company.

These provisions do not apply to the present incumbents.

Art. 170. The decisions of the Superior Board of Health, reached by a majority of the members who compose it, are of an executory character and without appeal.

The signatory governments agree that their representatives at Constantinople shall be instructed to notify the Ottoman Government of the present convention and to endeavor to obtain its accession thereto.

Art. 171. The enforcement and surveillance of the provisions of the present convention with regard to pilgrimages and to measures against the invasion and propagation of plague and cholera are intrusted, within the